Name of the Post : AP Postal Circle GDS Online Form 2021
➡️ Post Date : 27-01-2021
➡️ Total Vacancy : 2296
➡️ For UR/ OBC/ EWS Male : Rs. 100/-
➡️ Female, SC/ST candidates & PwD Candidates: Nil
➡️ Payment Mode: Credit/ Debit Cards & Net Banking.
➡️ Starting Date to Registration & Payment of Fee: 27-01-2021
➡️ Last Date for Registration & Payment of Fee: 26-02-2021
➡️ Starting Date to Apply Online: 27-01-2021
➡️ Last Date to Apply Online: 26-02-2021
AGE LIMIT DETILES (as on 27-01-2021)
➡️ Minimum Age: 18 Years
➡️ Maximum Age: 40 Years
➡️ Age relaxation is applicable to SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD/ EWS Candidates as per rules
➡️ Candidates should posses 10th Class, Compulsory knowledge of Local Language.
➡️ Basic Computer Knowledge.
▪️ Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
1.Branch Post Master (BPM)
2. Assistant Branch Post Master (ABPM)
3.Dak Sevak
➡️ AGE :
The minimum and maximum of age for the purpose of engagement to GDS posts shall be 18 and 40 years respectively as on 27/01/2021 the date of notification of the vacancies. Permissible relaxation in Upper age limit for different categories is as under :
1). Category : Schedule Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST)
Permissible age
relaxation : 5 years
2). Other Backward Classes (OBC) :
➡️Permissible age
relaxation : 3 Years.
3). Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) – No relaxation
4). Persons with Disabilities (PwD) – ( 10. Years)
5). Persons with Disabilities (PwD) + OBC – ( 13 Years)
6). Persons with Disabilities (PwD) + SC/ST – ( 15 Years)
NOTE 1 : There will be no relaxation in upper age limit to EWS candidates. However, the persons belonging to EWSs who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs shall get 10% reservation in engagement to the Gramin Dak Sevak posts in the Department of Posts as per Directorate instructions circulated vide no. 17-09/2019-GDS dated 26/02/2019.
NOTE 2 : All Engaging Authorities shall maintain reservation for persons with disabilities to all categories of GDS posts except for persons with benchmark of disability “Blind” (for all categories of GDS). Percentage of reservation may be maintained as in the case of SC,ST and OBC categories in GDS posts as per Directorate order no. 17-08/2017-GDS dated 26/02/2019 . Relaxation in upper age limit is subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the crucial date shall not exceed 55 years.
➡️ The candidates for all approved categories of GDS referred to in ( i ) above will be required to furnish Basic Computer Training Course Certificate of at least 60 days duration from any Computer Training Institute run by Central Government / State Government /Universities / Boards / Private Institutions Organizations.This requirement of basic computer knowledge certificate shall be relaxable in cases where a candidate has studied computer as a subject in Matriculation or class XII or any other higher educational level and in such cases, a separate certificate will not be insisted upon.
➡️ Only online application will be accepted from the candidate. Candidate who desires to apply online will have to register himself / herself in the portal through https://indiapost.gov.in or https://appost.in/gdsonline with effect from 27/01/2021 to 26/02/2021 with the following basic
details to obtain the Registration Number :-
i). Name (In capital letter as per X class certificate Marks Memo including spaces)
ii). Father Name
iii). Mobile Number (Unique for one Registration number)
iv) Date of Birth
v). Gender
vi). Community
vii). PH – Type of Disability – (HH/OH/VH). – Percentage of disability
viii). State in which Xth class passed
ix). Board in which Xth class passed
x). Year of Passing Xth class
xi). Xth Class Certificate Number / Roll Number (optional)
xii). Transgender certificate issued by District Magistrate as per THE TRANSGENDER PERSONS (PROTECTION OF RIGHTS) ACT,2019.
➡️ Applicant of category OC/OBC/EWS Male / trans-man should pay a fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred) for each set of five options. Candidate who requires to make the payment has to visit any Head Post Office or other identified Post Offices in India. Names of the offices are available in the website for link Open www.smteluguspoorthi.comThe applicant can also pay the fee through online mode of payment using the URL provided in the Home page. All recognized Credit/Debit cards and Net Banking facility can be availed for this purpose. Charges applicable for usage of Debit/Credit cards and net banking as per the rules from time to time will be levied to the candidates.For making the payment of fee the candidate should refer the Registration Number in all cases.
2. However, payment of fee is exempted for all Female / trans-woman candidates as well PwD candidates. They may apply online directly through the provided link in the Website.
3. For applying online candidate should submit the application by providing information of Registration Number to proceed to fill up the subsequent information. Documents once uploaded against one registration number will available for submission of subsequent posts or for other Circles. Hence, candidates need not upload any documents further. The candidates need to upload the following documents in the formats and sizes as prescribed, hence it is advised to keep the scanned documents ready in softcopy form before applying online. Non submission of all legible and correct mandatory documents in propoer format is liable for rejection of application.
1. Name of the Document : X class / SSC Certificate (or) X class/SSC Certificate combined marks memo
➡️ Uploading file format : .jpg/.jpeg
➡️ Permitted file size : 200kb; Not exceeding A4 size
➡️ Is the upload mandatory or not : Mandatory for all the candidates.
2. Name of the Document : X class / SSC Mark Sheet marks / grades / points for the candidates having certificate and marks memo separately(or) X Class/SSC additional Marks Memo having marks / grades / points for candidate having two marks memos being qualified in single attempt
➡️ Uploading file format : .jpg/.jpeg Permitted file size : 200kb; Not exceeding A4 sizeIs the upload mandatory or not : Mandatory in case of candidate having X class/ SSC certificate without marks/grades/points (or) Additional marks memo in case of candidate having more than one marks memo for being qualified in more than one attempt .
3. Name of the Document : DOB proof if DOB is not in the X class / SSC Mark Certificate/ SSC Marks Memo (or) X Class/SSC 2nd additional Marks Memo having marks / grades / points for candidate having two marks memos being qualified in single attempt.
➡️ Uploading file format : .jpg/.jpeg
➡️ Permitted file size : do
➡️ Is the upload mandatory or not : Mandatory in case of DOB not available in SSC mark memo (or) additional marks memo if the candidate is having more than two marks memos for being qualified in more than one attempt .
4. Name of the Document : Computer Certificate
➡️ Uploading file format : .jpg/.jpeg
➡️ Permitted file size : 200kb; Not exceeding A4 size
➡️ Is the upload mandatory or not : Certificate may also be submitted to the Engaging authority at the time of appointment if got selected.
5. Name of the Document : Community Certificate
➡️ Uploading file format : .jpg/.jpeg
➡️ Permitted file size : 200kb; Not exceeding A4 size
➡️ Is the upload mandatory or not : Mandatory for all categories (SC/ST/OBC/EWS) except for Un Reserved category. OBC certificate should be in the form of CG approved Creamy Layer Certificate / EWS Certificate.
6. Name of the Document : Photo
➡️ Uploading file format : .jpg/.jpeg
➡️ Permitted file size : 50kb; 200×230 pixels preferable
➡️ Is the upload mandatory or not : Mandatory for all the candidates.
7. Name of the Document : Signature
➡️ Uploading file format : .jpg/.jpeg
➡️ Permitted file size : 20kb; 140×60 pixels preferable
➡️ Is the upload mandatory or not : Mandatory for all the candidates.
8. Name of the Document : Certificate of Disability
➡️ Uploading file format : .jpg/.jpeg
➡️ Permitted file size : 200kb; Not exceeding A4 size
➡️ Is the upload mandatory or not : Mandatory for PH Candidates.
9. Name of the Document : Certificate of Transgender
➡️ Uploading file format : .jpg/.jpeg
➡️ Permitted file size : 200kb; Not exceeding A4 size
➡️ Is the upload mandatory or not : Mandatory for Transgender Candidates.
➡️ The Engaging Authority of each post reserves the right to modify or cancel the notification of a post at any time without assigning any reason.Candidates should note that once the details of Registration or of application are submitted the details cannot be modified or altered. No such requests will be entertained at any level. This document is computer generated no signature is required. Queries of candidates related to notification may be given to
👉 Help Line number: 0866 – 2429822
👉 Email: apcorecruitment@gmail.com