BANK OF BARODA RECRUITMENT -Wealth Management Services

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Bank of Baroda, One of India’s Largest Bank is looking for qualified and experienced Wealth Management Professionals
to strengthen its Wealth Management Services.

Online Registration of Application starts from : 19.11.2021

Last date for Online Registration of Application & Payment of fees: 09.12.2021


  1. Candidates are advised to check Bank’s website (Current Opportunities) regularly for details and updates. Call letters/advices, where required will be sent by e-mail only. All revisions/corrigendum(if any) will be posted on the Bank’s website only
  2. All correspondence will be made only on the email ID mentioned by the candidate in their online application form and the same has to be kept active for
    receiving communication viz., call letters/Interview Dates/advices etc.
  3. The process of Registration of application is complete only when application is submitted in full and fee is deposited with the Bank through On-line mode on
    or before the last date for fee payment. Candidates are requested to note down the acknowledgement number for their reference.
  4. Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria for the post as on the date of eligibility. Short-listing and interview / selection
    method will be purely provisional without verification of documents. Candidature will be subject to verification of details/documents as and when called by the Bank.
  5. Post qualification experience below 6 months in any organization would not be considered.


Post & Vacancies : Sr. Relationship Manager (326) Vacancies)

Age (as on 01.11.2021) : Min : 24 Years Max: 35 Years

Education (as on 01.11.2021) : A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognised by the Govt. Of India./Govt.
bodies/AICTE Desirable qualification/certification :
• 2 years full time Post Graduate Degree /
Diploma in Management
• Regulatory certifications e.g. NISM/IRDA

Work Experience (as on 01.11.2021) : Minimum 2 Years of Experience as Relationship Manager in Wealth Management with Public Banks / Private Banks / Foreign Banks / Broking Firms / Security Firms / Asset Management Companies Rich Knowledge and Experience in Mutual funds and Insurance is desirable. Proficiency/knowledge in local language/area/market/clients is desirable.

Post & Vacancies : e- Wealth Relationship Manager (50 Vacancies)

Age (as on 01.11.2021) : Min: 23 Years Max: 35 Years

Education (as on 01.11.2021) : A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognised by the Govt. Of India./Govt.

Desirable qualification/certification :
• 2 years full time Post Graduate Degree /
Diploma in Management
• Regulatory certifications e.g. NISM/IRDA

Work Experience (as on 01.11.2021) : Minimum 1.5 Years of Experience as Relationship Manager in Wealth Management with Public Banks / Private Banks / Foreign Banks / Broking Firms / Security Firms / Asset Management Companies
1.5 years’ experience in sales/ services of High Value financial products through digital medium (telephone/video or web).

Roles & Responsibilities are appended at (Annexure I)

The tentative/likely place for posting for each of the positions is mentioned against the respective post (for the posts of Sr. Relationship Manager applications are invited cities/locations wise); however the Bank reserves the right to modify the place of posting as per requirements of the Bank from time to time.

1). Post : Sr. Relationship Manager

Tentative/Likely Place of Posting :

Ahmedabad (25) , Allahabad (5) , Bengaluru (32) , Chennai (12), Coimbatore (4), Faridabad(4), Ghaziabad (8), Gurgaon(4) Hyderabad(12), Indore(2), Jaipur(5), Jodhpur(3), Kanpur(5), Kolkata(4), Lucknow(6), Ludhiana(2), Mumbai(91), Nagpur(4), New Delhi(43), Noida(4) Pune(10), Rajkot(7), Surat(11), Udaipur(2), Varanasi(3), Vadodara(18)

2). POST : e- Wealth Relationship Manager

Tentative/Likely Place of Posting : Mumbai (50)

Credit History: The candidate applying for the above positions shall ensure that, they maintain a healthy Credit history and shall have a
minimum CIBIL score of 650 or above at the time of joining. The minimum credit score will be as per the Banks policy, amended from time to time.


Position : Sr. Relationship Manager

SC : 44 , ST : 42 , OBC : 101, EWS : 47 , UR : 92 , Total : 326

Out of Which Person With Disability :

OH : 6 , VI : 5 , HI : 6 , ID : 6

Position : e- Wealth Relationship Manager

SC : 8 , ST : 4 , OBC : 14 , EWS : 5 , UR : 19 , Total : 50

Out of Which Person With Disability :

OH : 1 , VI : 1 , HI : 1 , ID : 1

Abbreviations stand for : SC – Scheduled Caste, ST – Scheduled Tribe, OBC – Other Backward Classes, EWS – Economically Weaker Sections, UR- Unreserved, PWD – Persons with Disability, OH-Orthopedically Handicapped, HI – Hearing Impaired, VI- Visually Impaired, ID- Intellectually Disabled. Vacancies mentioned above includes backlog vacancies.


  1. Please note that change of category submitted by the applicant will not be permitted at any stage after registration of online application
  2. Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming in the ‘creamy layer’ and/ or if their caste does not find place in the Central List are not entitled to OBC
    reservation and age relaxation. They should indicate their category as ‘GENERAL’ or GENERAL (OC/HI/VI/ID) as applicable.
  3. Benefit of reservation under EWS category is permissible only upon production of an ‘Income and Asset Certificate’ issued by a Competent Authority in the format prescribed.
  4. Caste/EWS/PWD certificate issued by Competent Authority on format prescribed by the Government of India will have to be submitted by the candidates applying under SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD candidates, while submitting their application/s.
  5. The number of vacancies including reserved vacancies mentioned above are provisional and vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank.
  6. Maximum age indicated is for General category candidates. Relaxation in upper age limit will be available as detailed as under : Sn Category.

Candidates are required to have a valid personal email ID and Contact Number. It should be kept active till completion of this recruitment project. Bank may send call letters for GD and/or interview and/or Selection Process on the registered Email ID. In case, a
candidate does not have a valid personal email ID, he/she should create his/ her new email ID before applying Online.


i. Candidates should visit Bank’s website and register themselves online in the
appropriate Online Application Format, available through the link being enabled on the Career Page -> Current Opportunities
on the Bank’s website & pay the application fee using Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc.
ii. Candidates need to upload their Bio-data while filling online application. Candidates are also required to upload their scanned
photograph, signature and other documents related to their eligibility. Please refer to Annexure II regarding scanning of
photograph & signature.
iii. Candidates are advised to carefully fill in the online application themselves as no change in any of the data filled in the online
application will be possible/ entertained. Prior to submission of the online application, candidates are advised to verify the
details in the online application form and modify the same if required. No change is permitted after clicking on SUBMIT button.
Visually Impaired candidates will be responsible for getting the details filled in/carefully verifying, in the online application
and ensuring that the same are correct prior to submission as no change is possible after submission.
iv. The name of the candidate should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the certificates/ mark sheets. Any change/
alteration found may disqualify the candidature.
v. An online application which is incomplete in any respect and unsuccessful fee payment will not be considered as valid.
vi. Candidates shall also be required to submit supporting documents such as DOB Proof, Graduation Certificate, Other
Certifications, Category/PWD Certificate, Experience Letter, Document showing Break up of CTC, Latest Salary Slip (e.g.
September/October 2021), etc. at the time of submitting the online application form
vii. Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to
avoid the possibility of disconnection / inability / failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet or website
viii. Bank of Baroda does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the
last date on account of aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of Bank of Baroda.
ix. Candidates applying for the post of Sr. Relationship Manager have to choose the city/location from the list available at the time
of submission of the application form.
i. Application fees and Intimation Charges (Non-refundable) Rs. 600/-for General and OBC candidates (plus applicable GST &
transaction charges) and Rs. 100/- (Intimation charges only – Non Refundable) for SC/ ST/PWD/Women candidates (plus
applicable GST & transaction charges). Bank is not responsible if any of the candidates makes more than one payment/s and
no request for refund of fee’s shall be entertained.
ii. Fee payment will have to be made online through payment gateway available there at.
iii. After ensuring the correctness of the particulars of the application form, candidates are required to pay fees through the
payment gateway integrated with the application. No change/edit will be allowed thereafter.
iv. The payment can be made by using Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc. by providing information as asked on the
screen. Transaction charges for online payment, if any, will be borne by the candidates.
v. On successful completion of the transaction, e-receipt and application form with the data entered by the candidate will be
generated, which should be printed and retained by the candidate.
vi. If the online transaction is not successfully completed, please register again and make payment online.
vii. There is also a provision to reprint the application form containing fee details, at later stage.

i) The selected candidate will be required to sign an employment contract.
ii) Candidates should satisfy themselves about their eligibility for the post applied for as on the cut-off date (01.11.2021) and
also ensure that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respects.
iii) Appointment of selected candidate is subject to his/ her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank and
the appointment will also be subject to the service and conduct rules of the Bank for such post in the Bank, amended from
time to time.
iv) In case of multiple applications, only the last valid (complete) application will be retained.
v) Candidates will have to appear for the GD/interview/Selection Process at their own expense. However, eligible outstation
SC/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disabilities category candidates called for GD/ interview will be paid II class to & fro
railway/bus fare or actual expenses incurred, whichever is less, by shortest route on production of proof of travel (rail/bus
ticket etc.). The above concession will not be admissible to SC/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disabilities category candidates
who are already in service in Central / State Government, Corporations, Public Undertakings /Local Government, Institutions
and Panchayats etc.
vi) Candidates serving in Govt./Quasi Govt. offices, Public Sector undertakings including Nationalised Banks and Financial
Institutions are advised to submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer at the time of interview, failing which their
candidature may not be considered and travelling expenses, if any, otherwise admissible, will not be paid.
vii) In case of selection, candidates will be required to produce proper discharge certificate from the employer at the time of taking
up the appointment.
viii) In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and / or that he / she has
furnished any incorrect / false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his / her candidature will stand cancelled.
If any of these shortcomings is / are detected even after appointment, his /her services are liable to be terminated without
ix) Decisions of bank in all matters regarding eligibility, conduct of interviews, other tests and selection would be final and binding
on all candidates. No representation or correspondence will be entertained by the bank in this regard.
x) Intimations, wherever required will be sent by email and/ sms only to the email ID and mobile number registered in
the online application form. Bank shall not be responsible if the information/ intimations do not reach candidates in case
of change in the mobile number, email address, technical fault or otherwise, beyond the control of Bank. Candidates are
advised to keep a close watch on the Bank’s authorized website for latest updates.
xi) Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and/or an application in
response thereto can be instituted only in Mumbai and courts/tribunals/forums at Mumbai only shall have sole and exclusive
jurisdiction to try any cause/dispute.