GSFDC Limited Latest Jobs Recruitment Apply 2021

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GSFDC LIMITED LATEST JOBS – Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Ltd

Contractual Vacancies

GSFDC Ltd. (A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking) invites applications for the various posts like Senior Plant Engineer(01),Manager Accounts(01), Assistant Supervisor(05) and Lab technician(01) on contractual basis for 11 months. The detail advertisement available on our website GSFDCLtd The last date for application in prescribed frmat is 15.12.2021.

Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation

Required : Senior Plant Engineer – 1 post (Contract based) Under Corporation head office at Vadodara Senior Plant Engineer – 1 post for 11 months Qualification and duties of Contract based employee as per details below.

(1) Qualification : M.E. (Civil) Engineering / Bachelor Degree in Architecture. Preference will be given to candidates with additional qualification in degree in interior designing

Age : Should not be more than 36 years. For Scheduled Tribes / Scheduled Tribes and Socially and Educationally Backward Class candidates there will be five years exemption.

Experience : M.E. (Civil) 05 years experience in government / private sector as a plant engineer with engineering / at least 5 years experience in government / private sector as a plant engineer with bachelor degree architecture

Computer knowledge : Must have knowledge of Gujarati, Hindi, English as well as computer.

1). Industry Vanilla for Large Order Receipt2). Outsourcing for Procurement Processed
3). operations all of supervision as well as industry vanilla the for operations scheduling /planning Production

(4) Inspection and quality control operations for outsourcing operations.

5). specification as well as design product to

6). Head Office as well as Vanil Industry at work Coordination

7). vanilla industry internal to related All activities ISO

(9) e. Procurement of material through tendering

(10) Monitoring of renovation project of Van Bhavan and other offices and all operations

(11) Technical Certification of Job Work Bill

(12) Receipt of orders related to renovation and supply of furniture from government and private institutions / agencies.

(13) In addition to all the work assigned by the Managing Director and the Joint Managing Director.

(3) Place of duty : Gujarat State Forest Development Corporation Ltd. Vanganga, 78, Alkapuri Vadodara – 390 007

(4) Salary : 3. 40,000 / – monthly consolidated (negotiable)

(5) Time of contract : 11 months

(6) Other details :

1. No benefits other than monthly consolidated salary will be given.

  1. Receivable leave will be given as per government rule. After the expiration of the contract period, the leave payable will not be paid.
  2. Salary will be paid by check.

(7) Details of sending the application : Interested candidates should read the detailed advertisement posted on our website, download the prescribed application format, fill in the information, send the written application to the head office of the corporation by 6.10 pm on 15-12-2021 along with the required qualification and experience and enclosures of school leaving certificate. The application must be received at the head office of the corporation within this time limit. Apart from this in other formats such as applications received from emails will not be taken into consideration. Applications received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration. . On the cover of the application should be written in large letters “Application for the post of Senior Plant Engineer”.

(8) General Terms :

(1) Management has the right to shortlist, select or reject any candidate for interview. Will remain unaffected.

(2) Management will have the unfettered right to cancel the selection process without giving any reason.

(3) Not found in prescribed questions, incomplete. Applications that are unreadable, unsigned and without attaching the required certificates will be considered rejected.

(4) A copy of school leaving certificate is required for verification of date of birth and age.

(5) The applications received will be shortlisted as per the requirement of the company and such shortlisted candidates will be called for interview on the basis of the marks obtained by them in the academic year.

(6) If the candidate is employed in a government employee / semi government office / public enterprise, then the application has to be submitted through proper channel and also the objection certificate of that institution has to be submitted along with the application.

(7) The selected candidate shall, while appearing on duty in the organization here, submit an order for dismissal of the organization having previous employment.

(8) Travel expenses will not be paid to the candidate called for interview

(9) Selection : Candidates for these posts will be selected on the basis of educational qualifications, experience and performance in the personal interview conducted by the selection committee.

(10) Last date for sending application : Dated 15-12-2021 till 6-10 pm. (At Wadikcheri)