How to submit US Tax information from Google AdSense step by step
Payments account :
- Payments account ID : 1234567890
- Payments account nickname : abcdefgh
- Payment schedule
Payments profile :
- Payments profile ID : 1234567890
- Country/Region : India (IN)
- Account type : Individual
- Name :
- Address :
- Phone Number :
- Indian tax Info :
- Singapore tax Info :
- United States tax Info
- Manage tax Info
- Show documents (or) United States Submit New Form
- Form W-8BEN
- Expires on: December 31, 2024
United States tax info :
- To find the right tax form, please answer a few questions first. The IRS (the US tax authority) requires that tax info be reported in letters (a-z) or numbers. For accented characters, use the letter only such as n for ñ or a for á. Learn more about tax info
- What type of account is (Your Name Here) ?
- Individula
- Non – Idividula / entity
- Are you a citizen or resident of the United States?
- NO
- Select W-8 tax form type
Based on your previously selected answers, a W-8 form is needed- W-8BEN: This form is most commonly used by non-US individuals and would also be used to claim tax treaty benefits
- W-8ECI: This form is most commonly used by a non-US business entity or individual that earns income related to its US trade or business and files a US income tax retur
- Tax identity :
Individual name as shown on your tax documents
DBA ………….. Don’t touch |
INDIA Your Country /Region of Citizenship |
Foreign TIN (PAN NUMBER ) |
1. Tax identity
2. Address
Mailing address is same as permanent residence address (Right Tick in the Box)
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3. Tax treaty
- Are you claiming a reduced rate of withholding under a tax treaty?
- US tax law may impose a 30% withholding tax on payments that are considered “US source” income
- This tax may be reduced or eliminated for any payee that qualifies under a relevant tax treaty
- No, I am not eligible for a reduced withholding rate
- Yes, I am eligible for a reduced withholding rate
Resident of the following country within the meaning of the income tax treaty between the United States and that country.
Select your Country EX: India |
Other Copyright Royalties (such as YouTube Partner Program, Cloud Marketplace – Reseller Model, and Play Pass)
Article and Paragraph Article 12 and Peragraph 2A II | With holding rate 15 % |
Reason YOUR NAME meets the terms of the treaty article:
As a tax resident of the country identified in the Tax treaty section, the beneficial owner identified in the Tax identity section meets required terms of the treaty and does not earn other copyright royalties income attributable to a permanent establishment (PE) in the United States.
Services or other business income (such as AdSense, but not including AdSense for YouTube)
Article and Paragraph Article 7 and Peragraph 2A II | With holding rate 0 % |
Reason YOUR NAME meets the terms of the treaty article:
As a tax resident of the country identified in the Tax treaty section, the beneficial owner identified in the Tax identity section meets required terms of the treaty and does not earn services income attributable to a permanent establishment (PE) in the United States.
Motion Picture and TV Royalties
Article and Paragraph Article 12 and Peragraph 2A II | With holding rate 15 % |
Reason YOUR NAME meets the terms of the treaty article: (Don’t Wright Tick Mark Here)
As a tax resident of the country identified in the Tax treaty section, the beneficial owner identified in the Tax identity section meets required terms of the treaty and does not earn motion picture and TV royalties income attributable to a permanent establishment (PE) in the United States.
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4 . Activities and services performed in US
Has the individual identified in the Tax identity section performed any activities and services for Google within US?
- NO
I certify that the services provided to Google or its affiliates will be performed solely outside the US and that any labor or capital (including facilities or other tools) used to provide such services will be physically located outside the US
I accept the paperless delivery agreement
I confirm that I have reviewed the generated tax documents to the best of my knowledge and believe they are true, correct, and complete. ( డాక్యుమెంట్స్ చూస్తుంది)
7. Certify and sign
- Tax form certification
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that:
Unchanged status affidavit
- This Tax form may be applied to prior payments by providing the following optional certification:
I certify, under penalties of perjury, the information and representations in this tax form have not changed and remain true, correct, and complete from the entered year to the present time, except as described below.
Year |
Tax Submitted Date EX: 30/09/2024 |
Note: A refund may apply where this tax form results in a lower withholding rate than applied to your prior payment(s). Refunds are limited to withholding from the current calendar year only.
Your signature : EX: RANJITH KUMAR
I acknowledge that I am signing the tax form above and accompanying affidavit of unchanged status (if applicable) under penalties of perjury.
Are you the person listed in the signature section?
- Yes, I am the beneficial owner named in the Tax identity section
- No, I am not the beneficial owner named in the tax identity section
Abcdefg hijklmn Full legal Name |
By confirming my identity, I acknowledge under penalties of perjury I am signing the tax form and accompanying affidavit of unchanged status (if applicable).
The Internal Revenue Service does not require your consent to any provisions of this document other than the certifications required to establish your status as a non-US individual and, if applicable, obtain a reduced rate of withholding.
RANJITH KUMAR Your full legal Name |
Note: Please check your Email after submit